Welcome to NUGSS
Here for the students, run by the students
Take a look around from starting your own club, getting student services, checking out our different events, to taking a look at what Degrees and the Thirsty Moose has to offer!
NUGSS Services
We can assist you with booking events at our NUSC Event Space or Thirsty Moose Pub, including catering! Contact us to help with your event planning at nugss-gm@unbc.ca
Student-led Organizations
We oversee 50+ student-led clubs, associations, and societies on campus. Join an SLO to meet like-minded students and pursue your interests outside of academia!
Free Textbook Shelf
Come on down to the free textbook shelf and lighten the load on those student expenses!
Follow our journey.
Headline image was provided courtesy of the University of Northern British Columbia