Who We Are
The Northern Undergraduate Student Society (NUGSS) is an organized body that represents all undergraduate students at UNBC, both at the Prince George campus and regional campuses. Since 1994, we have existed to provide advocacy, representation, events and services for the undergraduate student body. NUGSS is governed by a Board of Directors, who are a group of students elected each spring to serve a one-year term.
Our Mission
We believe that the time students spend at university should be a rewarding experience, not only academically, but socially as well. We are here to make your time at UNBC the best it can be and to provide opportunities to take your university experience outside of the classroom. We provide many services to our members, such as the U-PASS Program, Health and Dental Plan, the Ombudsperson, The Thirsty Moose Pub, Degrees Coffee Co., emergency financial aid, food bank services and lockers for students. In addition, we manage the Northern University Student Centre where you can find CFUR Radio, Over the Edge Newspaper, Prince George Public Interest Research Group and the Northern Pride Centre.
Students are encouraged to get to know their student directors, who are always willing to listen to new ideas for events and campaigns that NUGSS hosts throughout the year. We represent you, so let us know what type of events and campaigns you want to see. We work on behalf of students to improve the quality of student life at UNBC. Remember, we are here to serve you!
In 1998, NUGSS adopted the following mission statement:
"NUGSS is an organization built by student leadership and focused on the needs of students. Our mission is to enhance the social and academic life of UNBC students by providing services that address the diversity of student needs in a responsible and inclusive manner."
NUGSS has been and always will be dedicated to improving your experience as a student at UNBC. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact us via email nugss-hello@unbc.ca or call us at 250-960-6427. In addition, you can send an email directly to any of our directors - their contact information can be found on the Board of Directors Page.
Other Involvements
NUGSS members are also active student representatives, speaking on behalf of students on a number of committees as well as liaising on behalf of students with other governing entities of the university such as administration, Senate and the Board of Governors.
Students are encouraged to become involved in their student society, by either running for office, or joining one of the committees the Society administers. By becoming involved, students have a greater opportunity to meet new people and have a say in the decision making process.
For any further information about NUGSS, please do not hesitate to come by our office or approach any of our Directors. Our office is located on the 2nd floor of the NUSC (6-370), just above the Thirsty Moose Pub.
Exploring UNBC & NUGSS
We want to share with you videos about NUGSS, UNBC and the advantages that the Prince George Campus has to offer current and future students.
We will be adding additional videos as we go but if you want to see something in particular send us an email at nugss-hello@unbc.ca and we will do our best to highlight your requests.
Headline image was provided courtesy of the University of Northern British Columbia