Monetary Affairs Commission & SLO Funding
Monetary Affairs Commission (MAC)
The Monetary Affairs Commission is designed to examine all financial issues brought before the Student Society and provide recommendations to the Board of Directors, pursuant to the financial policies of the Northern Undergraduate Student Society.
MAC offers both Student-Led Organization Grants and Student Venture Grants to the undergraduate student body. Applications must be submitted to the office or to nugss-officemanager@unbc.ca for review and then you will be advised of the next available meeting for you to attend.
SLO funding will be allocated on an event by event basis.
SLO Funding for Events and Activities
Planning a future event? Whether it is a fundraiser or a way to promote your SLO, you can apply to NUGSS for funding through the Monetary Affairs Commission (MAC). An event can be a social event, educational event, fundraising initiative, or other event as deemed appropriate by MAC.
You must be a recognized NUGSS SLO.
Your request for funding is for an upcoming event/activity, not for funding past activities
After you have satisfied the above criteria, then these are your next steps:
Pick up the SLO funding application available at the NUGSS office or available on our website via the link below.
Make a budget for your event, specifying both revenues and expenses.
You will need to find out exactly how much everything will cost and create a comprehensive budget as well as recording key information in the MAC application.
You need to be very specific with your costs. Know in advance how much it all cost. i.e. if it is a dinner event, then know exactly how much one plate of food will cost.
Also write down how much you will contribute to this event and how much fundraising you have done for it.
A minimum of two weeks prior to the MAC meeting, SLOs must submit up-to-date bank account statements, cancelled cheques, financial ledger, deposit books, and any other financial document deemed necessary to ensure accurate accounts are being properly kept.
Drop off your application to the front desk of NUGSS or email the scanned copy to nugss-officemanager@unbc.ca
Show up for the MAC meeting with your budget and be ready to answer any questions that MAC members might have.
After the meeting you will be informed if you were approved for funding or not.
NUGSS will fund SLOs on an event-per-event basis, which means you will have to apply for funding for every event separately.
NUGSS will fund based on the SLO status report approved by the Board of Directors:
Probationary SLOs may apply for a maximum of $250 (two hundred and fifty dollars) per NUGSS fiscal year.
Established SLOs who applied by the SLO renewal deadline may apply for a maximum of $500 (five hundred dollars) per NUGSS fiscal year.
Established SLOs who applied after the SLO renewal deadline may apply for a maximum of $250 (two hundred fifty dollars) per NUGSS fiscal year.
Information! Please note: THE MAC DOES NOT RETROACTIVELY FUND EVENTS. Whenever possible, submit your funding request a couple weeks before your event, in case you are required to make adjustments to your application before your funding request can be approved.
MAC Application for SLO Grant Funding
If you would like to make an application they must be sent to nugss-officemanager@unbc.ca and we will be in contact with your organization to schedule a date for review of the proposal.
Interested in volunteering for the MAC? Fill out the MAC Application form and email this to nugss-hello@unbc.ca.
If you have additional questions, please email the General Manager at nugss-gm@unbc.ca.
Please follow us on our social media channels for the latest news on what is happening with NUGSS Services.