Maintaining an SLO
Congratulations! You’ve been recognized as an official NUGSS SLO! Here are some important things to keep in mind.
Schedule regular meetings of your membership and executive to keep everyone informed with what is happening at your club.
Book meeting rooms in the NUSC building and certain tables in the Wintergarden area through the NUGSS office. All other tables, and rooms outside of the NUSC, must be booked through UNBC Conference and Event services AFTER confirming with NUGSS that suitable space in the NUSC is not available.
Make sure you are routinely checking your SLOs official @unbc.ca email address for information and updates from NUGSS. NUGSS will not use any non-@unbc.ca SLO email addresses to communicate with clubs.
Check your SLO mail slot in the NUGSS office regularly. A word of caution, clubs have lost funds due to mail not being picked up in a timely manner and cheques mailed to the club being past the date where banks will honour them.
Only executive members of your SLO can request keycard access to the SLO Room by completing a key request form available at the NUGSS Front Desk (6-370). The NUGSS Office Manager will confirm your position on the Executive before signing the document and taking it to Facilities for processing. Facilities will contact the executive member directly to have their student id card coded to access the Room.
Provide a current membership list to NUGSS of all non-Executive members who are allowed access to the SLO Room. Non-executive members must come to the NUGSS Office during business hours and provide student identification which will be checked against the provided membership list. Once membership has been confirmed, NUGSS staff will allow the member(s) access to the SLO Room. Anyone not on a membership list will not be granted access to the Room.
Routinely organize and declutter your items in the SLO Room. Reduce, re-use and recycle.
Provide the NUGSS Office Manager with an inventory of all of the items your SLO has in the SLO Room within three months of being recognized as an official NUGSS SLO by the Board of Directors.
If your SLO is planning any events other than club meetings on campus, please contact the NUGSS GM or NUGSS Office Manager at least two weeks in advance with event details in order to ensure your event is covered by NUGSS insurance. Sometimes waivers may also be required for your participants based on the risk involved with the activity.
Do you need additional funding for your event? Complete a MAC Application for SLO Funding and submit your Application, event budget and up-to-date bank account statements, cancelled cheques, financial ledger, deposit books, and any other financial document deemed necessary for review by the MAC to the NUGSS Office Manager no later than two weeks prior to the MAC meeting you are scheduled to attend.
Plan and hold your SLO’s Annual General Meeting and make any required amendments to your SLO’s constitution/bylaws and elect your new Executive for the following year.
Once you have elected your new Executive:
notify the NUGSS Office Manager via the SLO’s @unbc.ca email address who the new Executive members are and their roles, along with supporting documents demonstrating the change (AGM/Executive meeting minutes, Election/Voting results, etc., whichever is applicable following the SLO’s Consitution).
contact the NUGSS Office Manager via the SLO’s @unbc.ca email address to request new Executive be granted access to the SLO email account.
Provide a list of all Executive members to be added and their personal @unbc.ca email addresses.
Provide a list of all Executive members to be removed from the SLO email.
provide the NUGSS Office Manager, via the SLO’s official @unbc.ca email address, with the necessary information to change the signatories on the SLO’s bank account, along with the completed consent form required by CWB.
Submit your SLO’s Renewal Form, updated Constitution, and updated Internal Appeals & Complaints Process by the SLO Renewal Deadline! All SLOs have to renew their club status annually.
Renewal packages submitted by September 30 will be reviewed for club status in October.
Renewal packages submitted by January 31 will be reviewed for club status in February.
Renewal packages submitted by May 31 will be reviewed for club status in June.
Failure to meet these deadlines will result in your SLO being suspended and losing access to all NUGSS SLO Benefits.
Please email the NUGSS Office Manager if you have any questions.
Please follow us on our social media channels for the latest news on what is happening with NUGSS SLOs.