SLOs and NUGSS Policies
SLO Policy
Many students of UNBC have exciting and diverse interests. Because of the numerous group activities students have, NUGSS has set up policies for the organization, funding and coordination of student led organizations (SLOs). This policy sets out the requirements that an SLO must meet before they are formally recognized by the NUGSS Board of Directors. It is also the intent of this policy to provide guidelines for recognized groups in terms of maintenance and fund raising, among others.
Visit the Document page for the NUGSS Policy Manual
For all off-site activities (excluding meetings) please use the provided waiver and make sure to have all participants sign before the activity. Make sure to keep these on file for 7 years.
If you have any questions, the Office Manager is our expert on everything SLO related and can be reached at nugss-officemanager@unbc.ca, or you can check out our SLO Advice and FAQ page for additional information.
Headline image was provided courtesy of the University of Northern British Columbia
Please follow us on our social media channels for the latest news on what is happening with NUGSS SLOs.