The Ombudsperson, who is a part of the UNBC Northern Undergraduate Student Society, facilitates conversation when conflict arises among students, staff, faculty, administration, and services offered at the University of Northern British Columbia.
The Ombudsperson role has many aspects and we recommend you review the NUGSS Policy Manual around these duties.
The Ombudsperson is an impartial, independent, and confidential counsel to the UNBC Community. If you have a situation (conflict, complaint, or issue) you wish to discuss with the NUGSS Ombudsperson, please email nugss-ombuds@unbc.ca. Please provide as much information as possible to allow the Ombudsperson to perform initial research regarding information pertaining to UNBC policies, procedures, services and programs.
The Ombudsperson will contact you via email to clarify information, and may arrange a time to meet, either in person, by telephone or virtually through Microsoft Teams (your choice), to further discuss the situation you have brought forward. Each case is unique and we adjust based on the individual nature of each case.
All communications with the NUGSS Ombudsperson are confidential. This role is filled by the General Manager and Office Manager in a dual capacity to ensure we can provide as much assistance as possible.
Headline image was provided courtesy of the University of Northern British Columbia
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